Alternate Calculator

A simple calculator which can also be used for currency translations (E.g. Euro). It already includes a set of predefined currencies and exchange rates which also may be modified individually. An internal editor is included which can be used for recoding and saving the already executed calculation steps.

The calculator may also be used for conversation between different number systems (decimal, hexadecimal, binary, customer defined), units or currencies (which can be extended individually). The program is customizable in its window size and appearance. It is freeware. The program needs the .NET-framework 2.0 or above (which is already included in Windows since Windows Vista).

Changes in this version:
- Info dialog updated

Review at I Love Free Software

Versionnumber: 3.860
Filesize: 2040.80
Date: 15.09.2024
MD5 value: fe0d69da9c1c1427df8b9ba4ed3ad553
Supported operating systems: Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11, Server
Languages included: English, German, French, Italian, Greek, Spanish, Swedish, Russian, Japanese, Arabic, Turkish, Hungarian, Polish, Catalan, Dutch, Korean, Danish
Current Downloads: 12281
Preview: Alternate Calculator